Call Center Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

“We go to bat for our clients – we do not stop till we get a yes or no”
- Chris Diaz, Branch Manager at Eastridge
Building a world-class call center takes effort, planning and strategy. There are also many things that can go wrong, a good deal of which are within a company’s control. Not all of the obstacles to success can be seen from the outset, so what are some of the more hidden pitfalls that employers should troubleshoot now? And how does Eastridge avoid these pitfalls?
Eastridge branch manager, Chris Diaz, who specializes in building great customer service teams, sits down for a Q&A.
What are Common Pitfalls in Building Call Center Teams?
Not being attuned to the market or your competition, such as being unable to differentiate your company’s purpose from your competitors’ or not knowing how your competitors are retaining talent, will cause you to lose out on top call center talent.
Additionally, being transactional about employees, which should be a partnership, can also hurt you.
What Sets Eastridge Apart?
We fill high-volume customer service projects every day. My team are all senior members and we have 20-plus year’s experience – we know how to approach talent and we are tireless in how we go about it. We go to bat for our clients. Staffing is about relationships; we know how to be a partner for our candidates as well as for our clients.
Being thoughtful and proactive in understanding the market, having a strategy to attract top talent, including a purpose for company differentiation, will go a long way towards attracting and retaining top call center talent.
Valuing relationships is central to how Eastridge approaches building teams, whether for a call center or another department. Our strategic approach to fulfilling staffing needs for call centers and across all the industries we serve enables us to find good talent quickly, and set our clients and workforce up for success over both the short- and long-term.