Blog | Eastridge Workforce Solutions

Employee Spotlight Amy Oskirko

Written by Amy Oskirko | Jun 17, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Amy Oskirko
Job title: Area Operations Manager
Work location: Marlborough, MA

What does your work from home set up look like?
My desk is in my living room. Typically my dog is sleeping at my feet all day (she's old) and my kids are in their rooms doing their school work. I've learned to function without sticky notes and have 3 pairs of reading glasses in front of me which must mean I'm getting old too!

What do you like most about social distancing?
Spending more time with my family. We have made more puzzles, played more board games, and taken more walks than ever and I get to spend more time with my high school senior than she wishes before heading off to college!

Is there a habit/routine you’ve developed during social distancing that you want to continue?
The ability to shut off from interruptions and focus on what I am working on. It’s easier to click a button to turn off notifications at home than it is to turn someone away or shut my office door. But I’ve learned how much more I can accomplish when I take some time for myself and will carry that with me once things return to the "new normal."

What about your job most excites you?
A happy customer! Whether you’re filling their requirements, helping their company grow, or even delivering bad news and they know you have their back in all of these situations and are providing service with honesty and respect, there is no better feeling.

What are some ways you are helping your clients during this time?
Our team in Massachusetts is running leaner and have been busier than ever! We have several MedTech customers who are making products to help during the pandemic and I have been jumping in to help recruit for the many current openings. We are also using the tools and communications that Eastridge has provided to educate our customers on best practices and protocols to help in the fight against this virus.

Favorite Eastridge memory?
It is NOT when I first met Seth in 2008 and he brought us to Mr. A’s and I ordered soup and a salad because I’m such a picky eater (I’ve gotten much better since then so feel free to bring me back.) It had to be our conference in June of 2019 and being able to meet so many people and put faces to the names and voices that I always hear. It definitely helps to build stronger relationships when you can have those face to face conversations.

What’s your favorite app for staying productive and relaxing?
Does Candy Crush count? Candy Crush is my relaxation tool! Otherwise, it’s just music. I have Pandora or my music library playing at all times.

Are you binge-watching any shows?
Anything and everything on Netflix! Right now it’s Dead to Me, Outer Banks, The Fosters, any true-crime series, and Schitt’s Creek mixed in for humor. And yes, we binged Tiger King.

What's your favorite mantra?
"My emotions are my superpower." I always thought being emotional was a weakness but just recently learned the opposite. My emotions help me to be more aware of others' feelings and allow me to connect with them better. Our business is about relationships and my emotions have allowed me to build and keep many relationships in the 17 years that I’ve been here.

What’s something we don’t know about you?
I love to dance and have taught some Zumba classes. I played soccer for many years but nowadays I am much more talented at being a Soccer Mom to my daughter!

How is it working out of the Massachusetts office?

What does being an employee-owner mean to you?
It means I’m less of an employee and more of a teammate. I need to do my part to help my team win and I know that my teammates are going to do the same.

What’s something you're excited about at Eastridge this year?
I am excited about our team here in Massachusetts. We have "goal-getters" here and everyone is putting in the work and pushing to go above and beyond. We have the right people on the team to continue our growth.

What is the first thing you will do when social distancing orders are lifted?
Go to the beach! We only have a few months out of the year to enjoy the warm weather and the ocean so I will be taking advantage when the time comes.