Expanding overseas is an exciting accomplishment, but can also be a daunting task with the various employment laws, norms, costs, processes, and the time it takes to get set up. Organizations that are looking to expand globally should also prepare to bring on a team that can help them meet their hiring/employment goals while maintaining local compliance. Many of Eastridge’s clients have a meaningful population of workers outside of the United States. As a result, Eastridge developed its global employer-of-record, recruiting, and technology ecosystem to help solve for a variety of workforce needs through a single solution.
Eastridge has dramatically simplified the process - one contract, one point of contact, covering all service lines across the world. An added benefit is our ability to provide compliance, risk management, cost savings and global worker visibility through our solution.
What services can Eastridge’s global partners offer?
What countries does Eastridge have active workers?
How much does it cost to recruit or employ workers globally? Will I experience cost savings?
For any global specific needs, please contact your Eastridge representative or Brian Schultz (VP of Client Experience & Global) at 858.353.8387 or bschultz@eastridge.com.