Before preparing to hire for the “busy season,” your recruitment strategy should be polished off with a candidate pipeline of qualified talent ready to go. If you already have a database of engaged, former temporary employees, consider yourself one step ahead of the competition!
If your temporary workers have had a positive experience, the chances of them returning next busy season, or taking traditional jobs with you in the future, are much higher. Join us for this two-part series to learn eight ways to keep top temporary workers coming back next season, and maybe even convert to full-time:
Nurture employee morale
The bottom line is important to any company, but don’t focus on profits at the expense of employee morale. Be sure you hire enough temporary workers to cover the seasonal rush, that work duties are spread out evenly, and that you provide the proper training and tools to ensure a temporary worker’s success. An overworked temporary worker likely won’t come back and probably won’t recommend your company to friends and colleagues.
Dedicate time to train
Give your temporary workers the skills and tools that are necessary to thrive in your workplace. An employee who feels competent and productive is likely to enjoy his or her work and want to return. Onboarding definitely takes time and patience, but your temporary workers will learn the company’s operations, workplace culture, and how to communicate with managers and colleagues.
Offer mentorships
This not only helps temporary workers connect with their work and the workplace culture, but it also gives your permanent workers a chance to practice supervisory skills.
Provide meaningful feedback
Temporary and permanent employees alike crave feedback from managers. Make an effort to standardize feedback processes and offer it regularly, ideally in person and at least every two weeks. You can also include suggestions on what your temporary workers can do to improve or to strengthen their chances of returning next season.
Interested in learning more temporary worker retention strategies to implement? Join us next week for part two!