When it comes to failure, perspective is key.
If you’re currently dealing with a daunting challenge, do you find yourself trying to cope with the prospect of failure and move on? Or are you excited by the opportunity for a lesson learned? Depending on your answer, you are considered to either have a “fixed mindset” or a “growth mindset.”
Dr. Carol Dweck, a leading psychology professor at Stanford University, was the first to study the obvious dichotomy that is revealed when humans are faced with failure. Her decades of research define people who view talent as a quality they either possess or lack as having a “fixed mindset.” In contrast, people with a “growth mindset” strive to learn, enjoy challenges, and consistently see potential in learning new skills.
For companies across every industry, embracing a growth mindset can prove beneficial for retaining top talent and fostering long-term success. Here are 3 common growth mindset characteristics to encourage throughout your company:
1. A feeling of enrichment and opportunity
Whether it be from stress or boredom, employee burn-out is inevitable. But your company’s management can take action to reframe the narrative. Rather than using language that defines work as a means to an end, encourage your employees to strive for purpose in their job. Your company can foster employee enrichment by offering a peer mentorship program or an employee recognition program for those who go above and beyond the call of duty.
2. A love of problem-solving
While it’s important to inspire your employees to excel, it’s equally as important to ensure your employees feel comfortable bringing up their workplace concerns. Otherwise, their ability to overcome challenges and improve can be significantly hindered. Creating a positive frame around problem-solving starts with upper management. Encourage transparent, productive communication in order to solve problems as a team.
3. A hunger for learning
This is where a growth mindset can make the most impact on your organization. Hiring for soft skills, like a positive attitude, strong time management, and clear communication will set your company up for success when developing that employee’s specific hard skills. Look for employees who value education and are driven by the potential to evolve with your company.
Every company can benefit from a culture that fosters a growth mindset. If you’re interested in learning more, contact Eastridge today to explore how we shaped our company culture and how we can recruit the talent your organization deserves.