Emails, texts, social media – the list of ways and mediums in which we can engage with our co-workers goes on and on. But in our vastly digital world, it’s all too easy to forget that the person on the other end is a living, breathing human.
Initiating a new project with your co-worker is only a few clicks or a Slack message away. We must recognize, however, that the advantage of convenience is oftentimes accompanied by the sacrifice of purpose.
Meaningful, quality conversation is a guaranteed way to sustain job satisfaction and increase productivity. Here are two very obvious yet easily forgotten ways to connect with your co-workers:
Pick up the phone
Tools like Outlook and your iPhone make it easy to schedule next week’s sales meeting in only a few clicks. What’s missing, however, is the element of human interaction. Next time, promote meaningful communication by calling your coworker to discuss the meeting purpose and schedule. You’ll both feel more prepared and committed to a common goal.
Make lunch plans
Instead of sitting down to your usual 10-minute fly-over desk lunch, ask one of your coworkers if they want to grab a bite outside the office. A change of scenery will make not only a positive impact on your morale but also allow you to have an in-person conversation with someone you spend most of your week with. These conversations and intimate moments can forge lasting relationships and make your job more enjoyable.
Does your company care about its employees’ happiness and creating opportunities for connection? Eastridge’s staffing experts can work closely with you to identify the type of work environment where you will thrive and to determine what type of position is right for you. To find out more, give us a call today.